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Very dynamic and skilled team, with more than 15 years experience in design, structural analysis and production of workshop drawings for new telecom structures (self-supported towers, monopoles, guyed masts, roof-top antenna mounts, site-specific design of non-typical structures adjusted to particular environments, together with their corresponding footing in concrete or steel).

Key responsibility: creation of entire families of towers optimized such as to respond to very different basis of design, wind and soil parameters.


An important part of our projects concerns the assessment of existing towers and foundations, resulting often in necessity of reinforcement of the overloaded elements.

Key role: conception of customized solutions for strengthening, done in close exchange with the workmen on site and the workshops.



Key achievements: Involvement in new fields of industrial development, in cooperation with engineering offices conceiving new technologies to be integrated with telecommunication network.


Leading expert in Belgium with over 1000 projects run in the country and abroad, from New Zeeland and Australia to Canada and USA, employing all international codes of design and structural analysis (Eurocodes, TIA/EIA, CAN-CSA, IS, STAS, BS, AS-NZS).

Certification obtained for the most complex analysis and designs from organisms of control like SECO, AIB Vinçotte.


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Office Hours : 9:00am - 7:00pm

Sales all countries

Alain BOUR : +32 (0)81 610 562

Technical Support

Nicolas PROST : +32 (0)81 610 562


Catalina POPA : +32 (0)81 610 562

Engineering Team
+32 (0)81 610 562​​
contact us

Contact us for a free estimate.

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Rue des Praules 18 - 5030 SAUVENIERE (Belgium)

+32 (0)81 610 562


dfitelecom, pylone, pylon, monopole, pylone haubané

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